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IDES is a leader and pioneer in the field of Ultrafast and Dynamic TEM, specializing in pulsed lasers and high-speed electrostatic beam blanking and deflection technologies. IDES' products add time resolution to the TEM's exceptional spatial resolution enabling new applications and the exploration of the dynamics of specimens across a range of very fast time scales.

Luminary Ultrafast TEM / Dynamic TEM

The Luminary time-resolved transmission electron microscope is designed for pump-probe experiments using one or more lasers to study transient phenomena in specimens.
Users can directly excite the sample with a laser and generate photoelectron probe pulses with a UV laser to probe the sample in imaging, diffraction, spectroscopy, or spectral imaging modes. The Luminary time-resolved TEM is an extremely versatile platform that allows users to choose their optical configurations with a multitude of laser types to conduct ps stroboscopy, ns stroboscopy, ns single shot (SS), and/or ns movie mode (MM) measurements, as well as conventional thermionic mode, in a single instrument.
The Luminary time-resolved TEM is based on a 200kV TEM JEM-2100Plus and is modified to introduce laser beams directed toward the cathode (electron source) and the sample, including laser optical systems as standard and the laser(s) as options.

Luminary Micro Compact Specimen Photoexcitation System

Luminary Micro is a Compact Specimen Photoexcitation System (CPXS) for JEOL TEMs.
It is composed of a modulated laser, a compact optical delivery system (µODS), an inlet port, and a mirror. With this add-on, users can direct and focus the laser output onto the TEM sample in situ.
Luminary Micro can induce a rich variety of reactions and dynamic processes in the specimen, thanks to its focus size <40 µm FWHM, adjustable peak power up to 3 W, and modulated pulse widths ranging from a few microseconds to seconds. With Luminary Micro, users can study laser-induced phenomena in situ using fast cameras.
Combined with IDES/JEOL EDM fast shutter and/or Relativity subframing systems, Luminary Micro allows users to perform time-resolved studies using pump-probe methods on the microsecond time scale. Its footprint is extremely compact, it can be easily installed without affecting the TEM resolution, and it does not sacrifice the freedom of choice of specimen holders.

Relativity Electrostatic Subframing System

The IDES Relativity Electrostatic Subframing System multiplies the frame rate of cameras on JEOL TEMs.
Microscopes equipped with Relativity achieve exceptional time resolution, data throughput, and advanced automation capabilities.

EDM Basic (Electrostatic Dose Modulator)

The Electrostatic Dose Modulator (EDM) is a fast beam blanking system with a pre-sample electrostatic deflector, including electronics and software control. With EDM, the beam can switch on or off in less than 50 ns. This 100,000x improvement in blanking speed immediately improves the clarity of data taken at fast exposure times. EDM can also attenuate electron illumination without affecting imaging conditions, giving TEM and STEM users exceptional control over the dose on their samples. Cutting-edge electronics and software add-ons unlock advanced applications such as temporal dose structuring and STEM synchronization.

Programmable STEM with EDM Synchrony

Control the dose at every pixel.

The Electrostatic Dose Modulator (EDM) is a fast beam blanking system with a pre-sample electrostatic deflector, including electronics and software control. EDM can also attenuate electron illumination without affecting imaging conditions, giving TEM and STEM users more control over the dose on their samples.

The optional Synchrony upgrade takes EDM's timing and synchronization capabilities to the next level. Synchrony can coordinate with a STEM controller, tracking the probe beam location as it scans across the sample. EDM's lightning-fast electrostatic blanking turns the beam on for a specified time at each pixel, or keeps the beam blanked to completely exclude sensitive regions from dose.

Pulse System

JEOL is pleased to offer Pulse for STEM.
Pulse is a real time signal processor that enables digital imaging using standard analog STEM detectors. The device simply plugs in between your STEM detector and data acquisition system to deliver improved signal to noise ratios in your STEM images, particularly in low-dose or high-speed imaging modes.


This is a completely new approach to scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) which inverts the typical approach to image formation by using the time required to reach a fixed number of electrons as the basis for pixel intensity rather than the number of electrons detected in a fixed amount of pixel dwell time. Once the desired number of electrons have been counted in a given pixel the electron beam can then be rapidly blanked resulting in a significant reduction in overall dose applied to a specimen. TEMPO comes equipped with the functions of PULSE as standard.

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